Club W : Special Offer For NEW! Subscribers!

I was taking a tour through my email and came across a nice promotional offer from.....
Club W Special Offer:
Take 50% Off Your 1st Order Today!

Right now, they are offering 50% off their subscription service!

**Note: I have never subscribed to their service! 
BUT, if you're a wine lover, this just might be the box for you!

Sign up now for your special offer!*

*Offer valid for new members only. Credit will be applied at checkout.
Club W's payment for new member and other promotions is an instant rebate on a portion of the purchase price paid for each product. Promotional offers for new members only, may not be combined and only apply to $13 Featured Wines. All promotions and wine purchases require a 3 bottle minimum. Promotional offers of credits or percentage discounts are not applicable to gift purchases. Free shipping offers on gifts does not apply to overnight shipping. Void where prohibited.