Seventh Generation: Healthy Baby Home Party

**Currently Under Construction: Stay Tuned!**

Seventh Generation offers amazing products and even opportunities where you and other moms can get together and share an assortment of them together....

for FREE !

I was chosen to host a Healthy Baby Home Party during August 2014 and it was an incredible opportunity to get together, to learn about new products and to do something each of us is incredibly passionate about: 

Helping create a better future.

Here are a few of the photos I took of the kit I received! 
If you are chosen to host, this will give you some idea of what you might see inside your 
Healthy Baby Home Party Kit!

I'm a member of Generation Good™ ! An online community where you have the opportunity to exchange ideas and tips with like-minded individuals who care about raising a toxin-free generation! As a member of the Generation Good™  Community, you will be able to participate in discussions, share your feedback and opinions on all things Seventh Generation, as well as, participate in special offers and test products and samples! 

Most important of all, it's an opportunity for YOU to make a difference!