So, I Just Started My First Blog! YEY!

Hi! I'm Danni and I recently decided to start a blog with the intention of doing mostly reviews for Product Testing websites, Reader/Survey Panels and word-of-mouth (WOM) programs along with, a little bit of some of the activities and events I do on occasion, articles I find humorous, fashion, beauty/makeup related ravings.....
Honestly, a mixture of whatever I feel like writing about....

And THIS will be my very first one so, YEY! 

And, just so we're clear, I DID NOT pick this review out of preference over the others. I mainly chose to do this review FIRST because the deadline was creeping up (it's tomorrow actually) and I really wanted to throw some stuff out there. (Not to mention my inbox was getting blown up on a daily basis with emails regarding my lack of participation). So, I chose the most annoying first. ^_^! CONGRATULATIONS TO.....
Okay, BzzAgent really isn't all that bad and maybe I'll write a separate piece explaining what it is and how it works, but for now, I will briefly outline what the general rundown is (leaving out most details and probably getting a few wrong).
Basically, you sign up to try, review and promote a variety of products, for FREE. You join the program, fill out a few surveys to provide them with a little background information on yourself and wait for a "Bzz Campaign" that fits your profile. Once you accept a campaign they offer you, you are sent products, through the mail, to try out and then provide your honest feedback on. There are a lot of little "extras" involved with the program, but I'll leave that for another blog, on another day, sometime in the distant future....
Anyway, the first campaign I received was for 
Coppertone ClearlySheer!
and my very first blog review will be my 100% honest thoughts and opinions. 

By the way, I am extremely excited to be starting this blog and although it needs some (a lot) of improvement, I am working on trying to make it better, easier, and more tolerable to look at. I am definitely NOT what you would call "tech savvy", but I am blessed with amazing and talented individuals who are going to help me make a masterpiece out of this beautiful disaster I have created!
Hopefully soon, I will move on to videos, giveaways, and all sorts of wonderful stuff! (All things that I would not be able to do without their help).
But, for now, I'm going to keep it simple and give you the "Bzz" on a product that should be on every one's list of "Beach Bag Must Haves".....